2024 Saemien Sijte, Snåsa

Saemien Sijte, Snåsa

Intro in Southern Sami
Daan giesien maahtah tjoejekomposisjovnem govledh ålkone Saemien Sïjtesne. Tjiehpiedæjja Tulle Ruth orre bielieh tjoejeprosjekteste SPOR vuesehte, gusnie bovtsen sjïere guehperenlïetse lea jarngesne.

Vïjhte jaepieh Tulle Ruth lea bovtsem Gåebrien sïjtesne dåeriedamme edtja goerehtidh mannasinie bovtse dagkeres tjoejem tjïektjesjuelkiejgujmie dorje. Dïhte vïhtesjamme jïh tjoejem baantedamme, tsietsemem analyseereme jïh gaavneme, fïerhten bovtsen lea jïjtse tsietsemetjoeje, goh jïjtse tovna. Tsietsiemijstie akte skaala dorjesåvva jïh dïhte lea våarome komposisjovnide. Maahta doh göökte tjoejekomposisjovnh ålkone dååjredh, dïhte akte lea deavan nualan bïejesovveme jïh biejjie- jïh bïegkefaamoe dam juhtehte, mearan dam mubpiem komposisjovnem maahta låavthgåetesne dååjredh.

This summer two newly developed outdoor sound compositions are presented at Saemien Sijte both with the reindeers clicking in focus, a unique sound created with their hinter legs.

One clicking composition combined with oral communication is still presented as the 16 channels sound installation in a big circle witht the sound coming from the underground. The sounds can also be felt as vibrations under ones shoe sole. This whole installation works off grid due to a smaller power station a wind turbine and a solar panel to supply all technical equipment.

The second piece is presented in a “lavvo/tipi” as an 8 channels Minuet composed from isolated clicks which when each individual click appears unique in both texture and tones when analyzed in the editing process.

Assistent: Anna K Holmberg
Support: Regional exhibition support/KIN and Saemien Sijte
The reindeer herd moving in a circle creating their clicking sounds with their hint legs and oral sounds.

Saemien Sijte

The surroundings where the reindeers are collected in the summer.

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An extract from a minuet.

Gråebrien Sijte

Visiting the reindeers in February. Clicks are isolated in editing process and both different texture and tones appear, wherefrom different compositions are made.

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