2021 Doktortjønna, Røros Museum

Exhibition "SPOR/TRACKS" at Doktortjønna June 19 from -8th August,2021.

Tracks is an outdoor installation transmitting sounds from the underground. The composition is built on a field trips and research and recordings of reindeers communication and in particular a certain "clicking" sound they make with their hinter legs.

The audience can find 16 different tracks placed in the soil in a circle. By searching for sound vibrations and concentrated listening the audience can hear the quiet composition moving around on the surface of the grass field. The whole installation is powered by a wind mill and solar panels.

The opening was quiet due to covid-19. During the summer it opened up and the exhibition went well and had a lot of visitors.

Small details from the exhibition:

The research took place at Gråebrien Sijti in Brekken and was realized thanks to Inge Even Danielsen, who opened the gate to the reindeers for me.

Thanks go to: Gråebrien Sijti and Røros Museene.

Support received from: Røros Council, Trøndelag County, BKH Billedkunstnernes Vederlagsfond, Norwegian Arts Council/Sound and Image and KORO.